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Статьи, видео


 К 50-летию со дня Дипломатической конференции по принятию Договора о патентной кооперации (РСТ)

Инвестиции в производственные секторы Киргизской Республики со специфическими гендерными условиями


Обучающий вебинар № 5 - Международные отношения НКО

В вебинаре рассказывается о принципах и взаимодействии НКО на международной арене, в том числе, о возможности сотрудничества с ООН и Волонтерами ООН. Приводятся конкретные примеры. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-HSd9C67YU

Training Webinar No. 5 - International Relations of NGOs (in russian)

The webinar inform about the principles and interaction of NGOs in the field of  international relations and public diplomacy, including the possibility of cooperation with the UN and UN Volunteers..

Educational Webinars in Intellectual Property Protection (in Russian language)

Goal: The project is intended to help legal education in the field of copyright protection of inventors, especially young people, improve the quality of their work and improve the quality of life.

Objective: To increase the level of protection of intellectual property rights, including copyright it is necessary to educate and unite people who are interested in this problem, but due to bureaucratic barriers and poor awareness of the target group members, are not able to solve this problem alone

A series of webinars for Intellectual Property Protection  in Russian language is entitled "Intellectual property and protection of the rights of inventors and innovators". 

8 Lecturers, including 2 Doctors of Science and 1 PhD.


1. Systems and types of intellectual property protection rights

2. Trademarks and Patents

3. Protection of rights during application of innovations

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